2009년 1월 9일 금요일

Be a warrior!

These days i am getting back into the power of the Word of God. I have been way too far away from it. I fall in love with the messages of Rev. Craig Groeschel from Lifechurch.tv. His word is really easy to take and swallow. Its also practical.

Its true that the church makes men a nice guy. There are more faithful girls than boys. Being a godly man is more than just being a nice, gentle man to others. Godly men should take the chance and risk to serve the Lord. They should take the cause of the cross for being a strong man. One thing that i really realize is to train myself to be a stronger man of God. I won't be just a nice man 착하고 선한 크리스천 who is not willing to take risk. I strongly feel to put myself into a situation in which i am out of my comfort, safe zone.

정말... 강한 용사가 되자. 강하게 일어나자! 연약해 지지 말고 강하고 신실한 남자가 되자! 하나님의 부르심과 인도하심에 강하고 능동적이고 열정적으로 반응하는 강한 용사가 되자!

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